
Apache Jmeter is an open source load testing tool written in Java. It allows you to test performance of your Web applications written in PHP, ASP, Java and Web Services (REST/SOAP).
With this tool you can simulate various load conditions and test your application/ network performance.

Installing Jmeter on Ubuntu

  1. Download apache meter from . Download under Binaries heading apache-jmeter-2.13.tgz or whichever version is present at that time.
  2. Extract the downloaded file using tar -xvzf /path/to/yourfile.tgz to your home folder and rename it to jmeter.
  3. Now in the terminal go inside jmeter folder by using cd jmeter/bin command. This way your jmeter installation is complete.
  4. Now type ./jmeter to run jmeter.

Jmeter will open and look like the screen shot below.

In this screen you have two options

Test Plan

This is root entity of your test activity. Give some meaningful name to your test plan and write comments if you like to put any. Here you can add global variables for your test application.
You can add various elements under you Test Plan.


You can create non test elements like recorder etc under this.